Animal Farm at Arts Centre

CAN one man recreate a farmyard full of upwardly mobile pigs, plotting dogs and revolutionary horses? George Orwell’s legendary satire, Animal Farm, is engagingly performed by one creature on two legs, Guy Masterson at Lisburn’s Island Arts Centre on Friday 12 October, 8pm.

Using nothing but a bale of hay, some amazing sound effects and brilliant physical and vocal dexterity, Masterson’s portrayal of Orwell’s masterwork continues to have audiences in absolute awe.

George Orwell’s Animal Farm made waves when it was published in 1945. An allegory based on the Russian Revolution and the Soviet government which followed, it remains a cutting and deeply effective satire on political power and its abuse. The tale resonates as powerfully today as when it was first published and is still banned in totalitarian regimes throughout the world, including China and North Korea,

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