Council inpires local businesses

Lord Mayor of Armagh Garath Keating with some of the participants at the Teenage Market  -  part of  Enterprise Week #GEW2016 (14-20 November) Old Town Hall Banbridge Co.Down
19 November 2016    
CREDIT: www.LiamMcArdle.comLord Mayor of Armagh Garath Keating with some of the participants at the Teenage Market  -  part of  Enterprise Week #GEW2016 (14-20 November) Old Town Hall Banbridge Co.Down
19 November 2016    
Lord Mayor of Armagh Garath Keating with some of the participants at the Teenage Market - part of Enterprise Week #GEW2016 (14-20 November) Old Town Hall Banbridge Co.Down 19 November 2016 CREDIT:
Businesses across Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough were inspired to innovate, build networks and access support to help them grow and expand during Enterprise Week, a week-long programme of free events organized by the council to coincide with Global Entrepreneurship Week.

With inspirational conferences, funding workshops, digital seminars and mentoring sessions, each event was aimed at cultivating and strengthening the area’s entrepreneurial ecosystem in this increasingly challenging environment.

The dynamic local authority partnered with key organisations – The Prince’s Trust NI, Catalyst Inc, Youth Bank Banbridge, InterTradeIreland, Southern Regional College, co-working community organisation WabiSabi, We are Digital, Armagh Business Centre, Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd, Craigavon Industrial Development Organisation (CIDO), Social Enterprise Hub, Lurgan, business development initiative Plato EBR Network and the Creative Momentum Project – to deliver exciting, relevant events to help local businesses and residents receive the support they need to take their businesses to the next level.