For the first time in many years local businesses will have timely London flights: George Fleming

The President of the Chamber of Commerce George Fleming says BMI's new twice-daily flight from Derry to London is ideal for local business.

He said: “For the first time for many years, we will now have flight times that meet the needs of local businesses.

“Derry’s business people will be able to fly to London first thing in the morning and return in the evening, having completed a full day of work and meetings in London.

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“This capacity substantially improves our connectivity and productivity. We call on local business leaders and the rest of the population of the North West to support the route by buying tickets and thereby securing the future of both this route and the airport.”

Mr. Fleming said the retention of the route was a major boost for the local economy.

He said connectivity with London was one of the main planks Derry can offer when attempting to both sustain local investment and attract inward investment.

“This route is extremely important for our businesses and also for out attempts to bring in investment from elsewhere,” he said.

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“The airport is a central part of our offer to investors and without a frequent and convenient flight between London and Derry, we would have greater difficulty in attracting inward investment.

“While we value local businesses, it is essential to attract investment and income from elsewhere if we are to expand our economy, generate wealth and create jobs.

“The Chamber has argued strongly to retain the flight connection with London and we are also keen to secure other key routes.

“We strongly congratulate the Derry and Strabane District Council as the lead party in the negotiations that have led to this successful outcome.