DUP MP Carla ​Lockhart says she 'hopes and trusts' there is unity within unionism at general election

Upper Bann MP Carla LockhartUpper Bann MP Carla Lockhart
Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart
DUP MP Carla Lockhart says she will be working across “the unionist spectrum” to hold on to her seat in Upper Bann – as she says the party is about more than one individual after the arrest of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson.

Speaking to media in Banbridge on Thursday at the launch of a UK government levelling up scheme, she said last week’s revelations came as a shock, but the party is focused on delivering. The Upper Bann MP also responded to comments by UUP leader Doug Beattie that there are too many unionist parties. She said: “I believe in unionist unity. I hope and trust in the forthcoming election there is unity within unionism. I know here in Upper Bann, I look forward to working across the unionist spectrum of people to try and ensure that we hold the seat here in Upper Bann”.Asked by Cool FM reporter James Gould if that is possible with the number of parties standing, the Upper Bann MP said: “Look, every party has a choice to make whether they run in the forthcoming election. I know that the DUP will field its candidates, and we will go out having delivered for people and put our best foot forward. And try to ensure that the people put their trust in us”.On Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s resignation after being charged with historic sex offences, charges he will contest, Mrs Lockhart said: “It came as a shock, the revelations last week. But it's important that we now allow the courts to do what they need to do. We must have faith in our justice system. We must not put anything in jeopardy with regards to justice, through that process.”Asked if promises from the government are in jeopardy after the departure of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the Upper Bann MP said: “Our party is not one person. Our party is our membership. It's our people that vote for us. Our membership base, our MLAs, our councillors, our MPs, our peers. We're a team and we will continue to deliver.”

She added: “And again I bring this right back - we're here in this great facility in Banbridge, in the heart of my constituency. We have secured £3.9m from UK levelling up funding.

“That's what we need to be about. We need to get a positive message for Northern Ireland and that's what I'm about”.