Sinn Fein councillor in Queen tweet row

SINN Fein councillor, Barney O’Hagan is under fire over comments he posted on a social networking site which made fun of the Queen’s health condition.

He is the second Londonderry councillor to become embroiled in a row over comments posted on the internet.

Last week, SDLP councillor Jim Carr aroused the anger of Sinn Fein when, among other remarks, he mocked a Scottish councillor’s accent and said subtitles were needed to understand him.

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Later, Councillor Carr made an unreserved apology to Councillor Eric McGinley. The SDLP also sanctioned him by removing the party whip.

While a major security operation was underway in the Brandywell area on Sunday night, the Sinn Fein councillor posted comments making fun of the Queen’s medical condition.

He wrote: ‘The english queen has diarrhoea and it “runs” as the headline story on sky news. Various contributors interviewed talking s#i#e!’

Former DUP mayor, Maurice Devenney described the comments as “disrespectful, disgraceful, insulting and totally inappropriate”.

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He added: “Not only is this councillor trying to publicly denigrate and insult Her Majesty, he is also using a public platform to attack an 86-year-old woman and make fun of her medical condition.

“This sort of behaviour from a party that talks about inclusivity and equality shows that their actions do not measure up to their words.