Success inspires success says principal

THE principal of Garvagh High School has hailed the school's best examination results ever and said "success inspires success."

Speaking the annual prize day last Thursday, Jim Wilkins said the school would continue to do its best to develop the full potential of all its pupils and celebrate their achievements as inspirational role models.

The principal said parents placed their trust in the school to educate their sons and daughters but he warned that cuts to the school budget could be damaging.

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“ As a teaching principal I too hope I can trust our politicians to act together to achieve the common goal of protecting school budgets in the face of swingeing government cuts.

“We all need them to be vigilant if Northern Ireland schools in general, and Garvagh High School in particular, are to maintain the excellent standards of education currently provided.”

Highlighting the “excellent” results in the GCSE examinations by Year 12 pupils, the headmaster said: “In total 203 examinations were entered and there was a 99.5% pass rate. 42% achieved five or more GCSE passes and 58% achieved eight or more GCSE passes.

“This next statistic is particularly significant: the number of pupils achieving five or more GCSE passes at A* to C was 52%. Now this is an increase of 20% on last year and I am delighted to say, a new school record.

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“Likewise, the percentage achieving A* to E grades was 96%, an increase of 15%. The goalposts are often moved and the Department of Education now ask us to report on the number of pupils obtaining five or more GCSE passes at A* to C grades including Maths and English.This year our figure was 22% an increase of 14% on the 2009 result.

“Ladies and gentlemen, these exam statistics are excellent: these Year 12 pupils worked hard, showed strength of character in the face of challenge and gave of their best when put to the test.

We congratulate them all and in particular we congratulate the top performers of the year, Katherine Crawford, Andrew Dallas, Elizabeth Gilmore, Adam Cooper, Ross Montgomery, Rachel Andrews, Leanne Wilson and Lyndsey Whiteside.

“GCSE results are important, particularly in these very competitive times and these pupils have opened up many future options for themselves. Their success is an inspiration to all but I would hope they would particularly inspire our young people in Year 12 who are working towards their GCSE exams in May.

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“Pupils need positive role models and in this school we have a teaching staff determined to secure the best outcomes for all pupils. The exam results show that GHS teachers are motivated, flexible and confident in all they do - often excelling the performance of schools four times our size.”

Mr Wilkins went on to praise the teamwork between teachers and 12 G pupils to improve the school environment.

He reported: “They planted the flower boxes and the beds along the front of the building. They cleaned, trimmed and tidied our courtyard garden and power hosed the front of the school including the large stone crest wall.

“Tractors, trailers, wheelbarrows, spades, soil, stones, compost, cutting tools were all commissioned to do the job. Pupils took ownership and what occurred was an excellent example of connected learning in the fullest sense.”

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“I would like to express our gratitude to Mr and Mrs Gordon and Mr and Mrs McClarty for their generosity with their time, expertise, equipment and vehicles and to Mr Smyth of Tobermore Concrete and Mr Moore of Workman’s Hardware whose companies contributed stones and garden materials free of charge.”

Turning to extra-curricular achievements, Mr Wilkins said sport had a special place in the school.

“Sport allows pupils to excel, it strengthens character and develops mental resilience. Our awards are given to those pupils who have developed these attributes as they have learnt just as much from participation, defeat and victory.

“Thomas and Lynsey fully deserve their Sportspersons of the Year cups and I would also like to congratulate Nicola Gordon for her dedication, effort and desire to excel in all she enters. The successes of these three young people will I am sure inspire others to future sporting success.”

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Referring to changes in his teaching staff, the principal reported that Mr McGlade had left in August.

“Matthew worked diligently in the Science Department and often took school assembly. A talented and inspirational speaker, Matthew’s assemblies were enjoyed by the whole school. We wish him well as he pursues his path whether it is in teaching or in Christian ministry.

“Every four years the NEELB reconstitute the school’s Board of Governors. Ten members relinquished their office and I thank them warmly for their unstinting support, sound advice, regular attendance at meetings and total dedication to the wellbeing of all in GHS.

“ I am confident that the new members will be equally diligent, caring and proactive as bureaucracy increases and looming financial constraints impact on education.”

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