Thoughts and prayers with McKee family

STEPHEN McKee was “the personification of all that is brave and courageous about our gallant armed forces”.

That’s according to Upper Bann MP David Simpson who made the statement following a visit to the McKee family home with First Minister Peter Robinson, Jim McElroy and Jeffrey Donaldson.

“The Mckee family is a family that has made such an enormous contribution to our safety and security,” said Mr Simpson. “This is not the first terrible tragedy they have had to endure as a result of their efforts on behalf of the entire community.

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“They are now having to come to terms with another devastating loss and I know that the thoughts and prayers of the people of Banbridge will be with them.

“The whole of Banbridge is deeply saddened by this tragic news and I know that the family appreciate the wave of sympathy that has come from right across the whole local community and farther afield.

“We all hope that the circumstances might come about as soon as possible to allow our troops to return home. However, while they continue to serve they can be assured of our unswerving support.”

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