Why I'm backing Eamonn McCann as the best candidate for Foyle

Bernadette McAliskey.Bernadette McAliskey.
Bernadette McAliskey.
'˜What has McCann done for us in the past year?' ' is the cut-and -paste Facebook question from his opponents.

Notwithstanding the motivation and implicit demand that on election Eamonn McCann should have singlehandedly rolled back the waves of incompetence, corruption, and cronyism, which have become the hallmark of Stormont and done the Executive’s work, the question is valid.

Everyone paid out of the public purse should be held to account. He might however be forgiven for breaking into a verse of Dolly Parton:...‘I never promised you a rose garden’…a revolution, maybe, in the fullness of time, but he made no claim to deliver the revolution by the next election.

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