Zero tolerance to dog fouling across the Borough

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is reminding all dog owners of its '˜zero tolerance' policy on dog fouling due to the increase of dog foul incidents throughout the Borough.

A ‘zero tolerance’ policy in relation to all dog fouling offences detected is in operation throughout the Borough and any person failing to clean up after their dog will receive a fixed penalty on the spot or by post.

This includes those who leave dog foul or bags of dog foul behind on our local beaches, footpaths or grass verges.

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Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Alderman Maura Hickey commented, “The problem of dog foul in our Borough is one of the most unacceptable health issues raised by residents and elected members.

“It is not only unsightly but generates public health risk to those who come into contact with it.

“All dog owners are required to be responsible and look after their dog’s welfare in keeping with their local community’s best interests. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a foul free Borough, “ said the Mayor.

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