Windows 10 update causes major problems - here's how to fix it

Windows 10 is one of the most popular computer processors in the world - but its recent string of updates have left users frustrated.

Reports came out on 5 February that windows users had expressed concerns about the search box breaking down on social media.

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Many have said these issues have been ongoing for more than three months.

It's unknown how many of Windows' 800 million users worldwide have been affected, but judging by the number of posts across social media platforms - including Twitter and Reddit - the issue is widespread.

If your Windows search bar is blank, you can follow the link in this tweet to get it fixed:

If your Windows Search is broken today, here's a fix from @WindowsCentral: that Bing breaks the one thing it does = Search

— Dan Watson (@watsonhqcom) February 5, 2020

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However, this isn't the only problem that Windows users are facing.